IELTS Writing Task 1(Sample Answer)

You recently travelled on the local bus service in your town. You think the driver drove badly and was rude to the passengers. Write a letter to the manager of the local bus service. In your letter

    • introduce yourself and say when the incident happened

    • describe what you saw and heard

    • say what you would like the bus company to do about it

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a resident of Oakville city and I am writing this letter regarding an incident of misconduct by a bus driver that took place during my journey from West Broadway to Waterfront on route #341 on Tuesday around 11.30 pm. The driver’s behaviour was unacceptable towards the passengers.

I was accompanied by a wheelchair lady who was also boarding the bus from stop #243. When the bus arrived, the disabled lady needed the bus ramp to be lowered so that she could board the bus; however, the driver refused and yelled at her. Also, after this unfortunate situation, he started driving recklessly more than the permitted speed limits in the city which put the lives of all passengers at great risk.

I would like your company to take strict actions against the faulty driver for his unacceptable attitude and driving. In my opinion, he should be suspended immediately so that this does not happen again.

I hope you would give this matter your immediate attention.

Yours faithfully,
Tom Richards

Estimated Band Score-6.5

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August 21, 2020
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